Integration In The Round

A space to Process and weave powerful Experiences: Grief, Loss, love, change, uncertainty, Illness, Ceremonial and breathwork JOURNEYS, Spiritual awakening, and any of Life’s big experiences Best witnessed in the presence of others.

Every other Tuesday

February 27th, March 12th, March 26th, & Continuing

6:00- 8:00 PM in Bozeman

We will begin with some meditation and embodiment practices followed by creating a comfortable space to share with others and listen to their experiences.

Your Facilitators

Brody Johnson is a healing and spiritual mentor, ceremonial musician, and curious. He has spent his lifetime shaping his craft as an intuitive and creative person.

Brody has alchemized his chronic illness into a gift that he wields to help others heal and live more deeply from their heart. It is his mission to create containers for others to feel safe, be seen, and be heard while guiding them on their healing path and helping them curate an individualized healing practice. He is dedicated to self-healing and teaching others how to self-heal and grow the best version of themselves.

Brody spends most of his time engaging creatively with art and music, sitting by water in nature, skiing, opening his heart, pushing against the things that challenge him, and swirling with the spirit that vibrates in him. He is inspired by the wonders of the human experience, by people who choose to create curious space for something new to happen, and those who do their self work so they can show up in the world in a more helpful way.


Erin Hilgendorf alchemizes integrative and herbal medicine, spiritual studies, movement practices, and life experience into mentorship and containers for healing. She is focused on creating safe spaces for authentic expression and interconnectedness. 

She has over a decade of education in the fields of clinical herbalism, holistic nutrition, integrative and natural medicine, polarity energetics, sustainable living, and movement arts including yoga and dance. She is passionate about integrating these modalities into sustainable and practical lifestyle rituals that create a simple way of being in harmony with ourselves and the natural world.

You can find Erin in the kitchen as a private chef, facilitating healing retreats and breathwork experiences, and working 1:1 with clients on their health and healing journeys. When not working in the wellness space, Erin enjoys traveling, sound creativity, botanical arts, and adventuring in nature. 
